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My Blog life as we know it...

Writer: Kenny CalderonKenny Calderon

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

We have now entered a week since I started my online Blog Journey. No visitors yet, I am ok with that, I would like to finish the website to have a grand opening! I am new to all sorts of things lately, feeling a sense of independence has me thinking of how valuable our time is. My children are growing up, they are becoming more and more self sufficient in more ways than one. I am excited for what comes next.

I work on my webpage about 3 hours a day. Getting to know my way around my host is very challenging, reading and trying to understand all the new vocabulary is thrilling and yet scary. I question my choices, did I make the correct decision? I feel like I am in over my head, overwhelmed and consumed by getting this website off the ground. I take a step back and pace myself. A million things jotted down, I keep reminding myself it will all work out. Be patient I tell myself, have faith, we will get there...

Today I added a Recipes tab to the main page, we called it "The Little Kitchen." The next item on my to-do list will be adding short videos. The "how-to's" of putting those recipes together. I'm soooo looking forward to that.

I am working on more Journals through the Amazon KDP site. I currently have a Skull and Monogram Letters Notebook in a design that has a Gold Polygon Frame Shape With Flowers. This monogram collection is available from A - Z. I am looking forward to creating more fun, personalized designs as well as creating some future Digital Downloads. Lots and lots of new ideas come to mind. I can't wait to share them with you.

Can I tell you, I started a dropshipping service. My Boutique name is ITIMY Boutique which stands for "I think I'd miss you..."quote from The Wedding Date Movie. I told you I was a helpless romantic. The idea behind the style comes from" I am not like a regular mom, I am a cool mom" type of style of clothing. I am in the midst of learning the web features, so please don't judge me...

XOXO, Kenny


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